A few of my custom house portraits. Contact me for an estimate. I use watercolor and gouache which is opaque watercolor.

A few of my custom house portraits. Contact me for an estimate. I use watercolor and gouache which is opaque watercolor.
Cycling Across the Allegheny River, Watercolor and Gouache by Carol Skinger to be auctioned this coming Friday Dec. 7, 2018 Art of Cycling, A Benefit for Bike MS at the Wigle Distillery in the Strip District Pittsburgh MS fundraiser between 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Wigle Whiskey Distillery 2401 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222. Proceeds benefit the National MS Society, PA Keystone Chapter & Bike MS. Join us for cycling-themed cocktails, Blue Sparrow Food Truck and an auction of cycling-themed artwork by Pittsburgh artists including two paintings by me. They will be unveiling and auctioning the first-ever Wigle Whiskey cycling jersey, produced locally by Aero Tech Designs. Between now and then my two Art of Cycling paintings are on display with 2 others (one by Baron Batch) at Kindred Cycles, 2515 Penn Avenue in the Strip District.
(Here’s my other auction item) 2401 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
Take a closer look at both my paintings now before the auction at Kindred Cycles 2515 Penn Ave, Strip District Pittsburgh
Two of my paintings were selected for exhibit in the juried 47th Pittsburgh Society of Artists Annual.
Exhibition dates- October 5, 2012 to November 2, 2012
Fein Art Gallery (Northside) 519 East Ohio Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212.
Hours at Fein Art Gallery Mon – Fri 9:30 – 5 :00 and Sat 10-4 (Bernie’s -next door-will open gallery per request)
Juror Dr. Vicky A. Clark is the gallery director and art historian at Clarion University. She is an independent curator, based in Pittsburgh, who specializes in the art of our times. Her research has resulted in the exhibition and book: Popular Salon for the People: The Associated Artists of Pittsburgh and the Carnegie Museum of Art. Clark is currently working on a book about Pittsburgh artist Robert Qualters and an exhibition called Cast of Characters.
Framed paintings are $600 each. Driftwood gray mat and gray stained frame.
Copyright ©
Carol Skinger. All Rights Reserved.