In January 2020 I completed 21 new artworks, mostly watercolor and gouache and rushed 12 of them to the printers. For the next 90 days I am so happy to say I am one of the new artists and makers who will have work for sale at Casey Droege’s Small Mall in Lawrenceville. My work will be archival glicee prints of these latest artworks at Small Mall at 5300 Butler St in Upper Lawrenceville. The opening is Wednesday February 12, from 6-8 PM. See my new prints here.
All my work created in January was a promise that each artwork would include a sculpture, or what I think is a sculpture. Most of them are in Pittsburgh.
“Small Mall is the concept store for CDCP, an arts business focused on growing Pittsburgh’s art economy. Stop by our experimental retail space to purchase art and design objects from some of the region’s most talented makers.”
Have you heard of the new TRYP Hotel in Lawrenceville? Read more about the architecture and art there. Casey Droege was the art consultant bringing the artwork of many artists to the walls. Monmade was involved too.
I encourage you to sign up for Casey’s eblasts and read about what they are.